Student Assistant (HiWi): Solid Application (MANDAT)

We are looking for students for supporting the research in the EU funded research project MANDAT. We are investigating methods to share and exchange data in a enterprise environment via data fiduciaries. Therefore we need support to create and research Web apps working with Solid. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research projects and contribute to the development of new technologies in these fields.
• Help to create Solid apps (JavaScript)
• Possibly additional tasks in the scope of the MANDAT project

• Profound knowledge of the JavaScript programming language
• Familiarity with Linked Data, RDF and other Semantic Web technologies

Starting date: At earliest convenience

Hours per month: 20h – 40h


Please send your application (a short CV and a transcript of records) to Sebastian Schmid if you are interested in this position.