Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

On October 19th, 2019, the chair participated in the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, a bi-annual event in the Nuremberg region where scientific institutions hold talks and demonstrations for the general public.
The chair, in collaboration with the Fraunhofer SCS department Data Spaces and Internet of Things Solutions, presented a mixed-reality variant of the game Tic-Tac-Toe. We fitted cubes, representing X’s and O’s, with Bluetooth low energy beacons and used Raspberry Pi computers to track the position of the beacons on a large game board. We used Linked Data technologies as the basis for data representation, access and processing.
The demonstrator was inspired by scenarios in logistics and production, which also require access to and processing of sensor data. In particular, the demonstrator showed how to detect events based on sensor data and how to track processes in a combination of physical and virtual environments.